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Maduro anuncia fechamento total de fronteira terrestre com o Brasil

Edinson Estupinan/AFP -
Aerial view of the Tienditas Bridge, in the border between Cucuta, Colombia and Tachira, Venezuela, after Venezuelan military forces blocked it with containers on February 6, 2019. - Venezuelan military officers blocked a bridge on the border with Colombia ahead of an anticipated humanitarian aid shipment, as opposition leader Juan Guaido stepped up his challenge to President Nicolas Maduro's authority. (Photo by EDINSON ESTUPINAN / AFP)

O presidente da Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, anunciou nesta quinta-feira o fechamento total da fronteira terrestre com o Brasil, a dois dias da entrada da ajuda humanitária solicitada pelo líder da oposição Juan Guaidó.

Macaque in the trees
Aerial view of the Tienditas Bridge, in the border between Cucuta, Colombia and Tachira, Venezuela, after Venezuelan military forces blocked it with containers on February 6, 2019. - Venezuelan military officers blocked a bridge on the border with Colombia ahead of an anticipated humanitarian aid shipment, as opposition leader Juan Guaido stepped up his challenge to President Nicolas Maduro's authority. (Photo by EDINSON ESTUPINAN / AFP) (Foto: Edinson Estupinan/AFP)

"Eu decidi, no sul da Venezuela, que a partir das 20h00 horas (21h00 de Brasília) deste 21 de fevereiro, fica fechada total e completamente, até novo aviso, a fronteira terrestre com o Brasil", afirmou o presidente em uma reunião com o alto comando militar em Fort Tiuna.
